






来源:君诚国际双语学校 时间:2019-09-16 17:25

  01、教师节的礼物Teachers’Day gifts



  The place where the moonlight shines is titled as the hometown. Students express their appreciation for their teachers in this golden Autumn. As in previous years, students of SIBS made their own Teachers'Day gifts. The difference is that there are a lot of varieties in this year, including hand-copied newspaper, DIY flowers, posters, greeting cards...Students with the most beautiful gifts and words of thanks to express their love to the teachers as well as the SIBS. Let's appreciate some of these wonderful handmade gifts!

  02、中学部STEM课程剪影What’s happening in MS/HS STEM class?



  “STEM is an interdisciplinary approach to learning-- science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—integrating a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications” (livescience.com, 2014).

  STEM or STEAM (“A” is for Art) can be integrated into any class and is used in our Ancient History application phase of each civilization. In our classroom, towards the end of each civilization we have 3-4 STEM/STEAM days in which the students are given a challenge to complete, such as: creating archeology tools for the Stone Age, a Ziggurat for Ancient Mesopotamia, and Mummified Apples in Canopic jar for Ancient Egypt.

  At SIBS, and more specifically in our classroom, I prepare all the materials needed for STEM days and let the students know that it is coming up… The students are given all of the materials in cases and able to begin immediately on the first day. They each has an article to refresh their memory and directions on what they will be making. They are tasked with brainstorming and coming up some possible challenges individually. Afterwards, the group comes together and creates a rough draft of some potential designs they will be making… They make the design and test it out multiple times before settling on a final design that their group presents to the class and attempts to complete whatever the final activity is… SO for the Stone age, they made tools and baskets and during the final presentation they showed us if their basket was sturdy enough to carry several differently weighted objects or if their tool could dig up the “ancient artifacts”.

  STEM/STEAM is included into our classroom’s curriculum, students don’t need any additional materials, only a willingness to participate. Most of the students are so excited to participate and build/use their critical thinking abilities to come up with something unique! The students are required to complete all stations/classroom activities/homework in order to participate; if they are not finished, they use the time to complete assignments instead of participating in STEM.

  STEM/STEAM is a great way to showcase how all the job fields integrate into history. It allows the students to have firsthand knowledge on how our ancestors were innovators and paved the way for our future. Geographers, Historians, Archaeologist, Scientists, Mathematicians, etc. all ultimately work together to bring us the very history we study today. IN our History class, it’s important to understand how all of these fields play different but important roles for each civilization.

  STEM/STEAM is a great opportunity for each student at SIBS and I am so excited for the opportunity to learn with the students each day as they make their own advancements.

  By Rienna

  03、中学部艺术设计课程开课MS/HS art design courses open



  The art design project of SIBS Secondary School is a new professional course in this academic year. This course has aligned with the American Art Curriculum. The course will guide students professionally to complete their works, and assist the students who are interested in applying for art major in the world-class art colleges. In this semester, students from grade 6 to grade 10 will be offered 8 free trial courses based on the formal curriculum, which is named as the mode of"experience satisfaction recharging". SIBS also offer Art Clubs and Societies during the ASA period that could chance more students to demonstrate their artistic talents.

  The first trial class was impletmented in this week. Mr Lu firstly introduced the teaching content, including preparation of the portfolio, the essential elements for applying the Art Major in the world-class art universities (colleges), and demonstration of artworks that made by the previous students who had successfully obtained offers. After that, students were guided to create their own works in class. Students in the first class were very excited and highly interactive. Several students in grade 10 are interested in cartoon illustration profoundly, so Mr Lu has been also considering adding the content to the curriculum that would be beneficial to their personalized learning.


  The first meeting for SIBS PTA representatives and school leaders

  本周二,君诚学校家委会代表和学校领导们举行了本学期第一次见面会。首先陈校和Dan校对学校的基本情况和本学年的主要目标作了详细介绍,小学Mark校长也强调了家校沟通有三点值得注意:1、交流 2、合作 3、友好。接下来两位家委会主席发言,她们分享了个人的一些经历以及君诚学校最新的变化,表示在家校衔接中,服务和沟通是最重要的,鼓励家长们多提问题并给建议。陈校和Dan校分别对家长们提出的问题一一作答。

  Representatives of SIBS PTA and school leaders held their first meeting of the semester on Tuesday. Firstly, Head of the School Chen and Foreign Principal Dan have communicated the general information since the beginning of the term, and have shared main goals this school year. Principal Mark of elementary school also has shared three communicative rules with parents, including Communication, Cooperation and Friendship. After that, two chairmen of PTA shared their personal experiences and the latest changes of SIBS, saying that service and communication have been essential in home-school connection, and parents have been encouraged to ask more questions and offer advice. Head of the School Chen and Foreign Principal Dan also responded to various questions from parents.

  四、五年级中秋节主题文化活动The thematic cultural activities of the Mid-Autumn Festival in the Grade 4-5


  The Grade 4-5 carried out the "Our Festival - Mid-Autumn Festival" thematic cultural activities, It has guided students to understand the heritage of Chinese culture, customs, and spirits profoundly. The students have been enlightened to collect information about the Mid-Autumn Festival, share the history of the Festival, they have also been encouraged to sing the related poems. Thus students could comprehend and appreciate the tradition of our Chinese culture thoroughly.

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