





家校共建 | 首届天悦家长代表大会成功召开 ?Parent Congress strengthens cooperation

来源:北京天悦学校 时间:2019-02-22 13:44


  Life at JOY EL is running smoothly and on schedule under the steady guidance of its Director and its Management Team. The timing has therefore been appropriate for the creation of a new parent-school organisation called the Parent Congress). Following an initial meeting with all parents invited, this volunteer organization has been established to consolidate communications between families and school, and to provide mutual support for a wide range of school-related initiatives within the JOY EL community.


  The response to the proposed initiative during the all-parent meeting was highly positive with many attendees offering their services and support for school, family, and community education. Parent involvement, their mutual respect and understanding has already been impressive, with high turnouts and participation at events already organized by the school, such as Parent Workshops, Meeting and Morning Teas.


  In the meeting, Director Gao stated: “Key to building an excellent educational environment is ensuring strong communication and cooperation between parents and school, and building an education system that integrates school, family and society centred on a strong family-school bond. We have defined the Parent Congress as a volunteer association of parents, school staff, and parent representatives from classes, who will together contribute to teachers’ work and children’s studies”.


  The Parent Congress provides an effective platform for communications among parents, and between parents and school. On this platform, representative parents can fairly and objectively consider and summarise the expectations and demands of parents in general, and make reasonable and effective recommendations. In addition, the Congress may actively coordinate relations among parents, between parents and school and between school and society.

  家长代表在大会中积极踊跃地发言,表示对家校共育的支持。来自G1L的闫妈妈说:“我们家庭非常认同天悦学校的教学理念以及高薇校长带领的专业教学团队。我参与和组织“妈妈图书会”,诣在注重女性的个人成长和亲子教育等方面,希望为学校和社区做出贡献。 ” 作为家长代表中唯一的爸爸,G7的沈爸爸这样的分享:“我本人很认同学校和高校长的观点,家长和学校应该是一种合作的关系,大家的目标是相同的,都希望孩子能够健康、阳光的成长。“ 英文家长代表 Lexie也表示“自己的三个孩子都在学校上学,希望自己能够身体力行帮助到学校。希望听到英语家庭的声音并及时给与反馈。 ”

  As ambassadors of the school effectively, parent representatives expressed their support for the establishment of this union between parents and School in their comments. For instance, the mother of a pupil from Class L, Grade 1 said: “My family identifies strongly with the teaching concept at JOY EL and the professional teaching group led by Director Gao Wei. My purpose in organizing the “Mother’s Reading Club” is to make a contribution to society and the community, hoping to emphasize the personal growth of female and parents-children education, etc.” Lexie, another English-speaking parent representative also spoke about how she is willing to help in any way that she can. With three children enrolled in the school, she hopes to receive input from English-speaking families.


  During the meeting, the parents split into several groups to actively discuss the roles and tasks of parent representatives. The parents unanimously agreed that they would be happy to have volunteers take on their roles. These volunteers would be willing to serve as a bridge between families and school in communication on a wide range of subjects. At the end of the meeting, Director Gao, on behalf of all parents, awarded certificates to honor the representative parents who are making generous contributions to the Parent Congress.

  首次家长代表大会的召开,让学校与家长间的距离进一步拉近,教师与家长们的关系亦愈发融洽,家长更加贴近学校,更加了解学校的教育理念、教学方法,从而更好的帮助孩子。 对学校和孩子们的发展起到了良好的促进作用。在家校合育的推动下,相信每一个孩子的成长之路都能越走越宽,越走越远!大家齐心共创天悦美好的明天。

  The launch of JOY EL’ Parent Congress has consolidated the solidarity between school and families, strengthened their relations, enabled parents to understand clearly the educational concepts and teaching methods of the school, and will play an active role in promoting the development of both children and school. With the combined efforts of families and school, we are confident each child will enjoy a bright and colorful future. Let’s strive together towards this aim.

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